Centro de Tratamento Oncológico

Ask your questions and know the benefits that can help the patient during and after treatment

It is worth remembering that these rights
only to the Brazilian territory

It is worth remembering that these rights only to the Brazilian territory

It is worth remembering that these rights only to the Brazilian territory

The cancer patient
has the right to amparo

In cases in which the patient suffers from advanced disease
or suffering from irreversible sequelae of cancer treatment,
the benefit can be used, provided that there is an
implication of his state of health in the incapacity for work
and in the acts of life independent.

Nor can the applicant be bound by any social security
scheme or receive any benefits. Even when hospitalized,
both the elderly and the disabled have rights to the benefit.
The welfare relief is non-transferable, not generating the
right to the pension to heirs or successors. The beneficiary
does not receive 13th salary.

The cancer patient
has the right to amparo care?

In cases in which the patient suffers from advanced disease
or suffering from irreversible sequelae of cancer treatment,
the benefit can be used, provided that there is an
implication of his state of health in the incapacity for work
and in the acts of life independent.

Nor can the applicant be bound by any social security
scheme or receive any benefits. Even when hospitalized,
both the elderly and the disabled have rights to the benefit.
The welfare relief is non-transferable, not generating the
right to the pension to heirs or successors. The beneficiary
does not receive 13th salary.

The cancer patient has the right to amparo care?

In cases in which the patient suffers from advanced disease or suffering from irreversible sequelae of cancer treatment, the benefit can be used, provided that there is an implication of his state of health in the incapacity for work and in the acts of life independent.

Nor can the applicant be bound by any social security scheme or receive any benefits. Even when hospitalized, both the elderly and the disabled have rights to the benefit.
The welfare relief is non transferable, not generating the right to the pension to heirs or successors. The beneficiary does not receive 13th salary.

How do I get the benefit?

How do I get the benefit?

How do I get the benefit?

To request the benefit, the patient must take an INSS medical examination and
obtain the Medical Report that proves their disability. You must also submit an
application to the Social Security Agency with the following documents:
To request the benefit, the patient must take an INSS medical examination and
obtain the Medical Report that proves their disability. You must also submit an
application to the Social Security Agency with the following documents:

To request the benefit, the patient must take an INSS medical examination and obtain the Medical Report that proves their disability. You must also submit an
application to the Social Security Agency with the following documents:

1. Identification number of the worker – NIT (PIS / PASEP)
or Individual / Domestic / Optional / Rural Worker registration

2. Identity Document of the applicant (Identity Card and /
or Work Card and Social Security)

3. Applicant’s Individual Taxpayer’s Registry (CPF)

4. Birth or Marriage Certificate;

5. Death Certificate of the deceased spouse, if the
applicant is a widow (a)

6. Proof of income of family members

7. Curatela, when over 21 and incapable of practice of
acts of civil life

8. Guardianship, in the case of children under 21 years
of age deceased or missing

Application for Benefit Assistance – Law 8.742 / 93
Statement on Group Composition and Income Family
of the Elderly and the Person with the Disability
Power of attorney (if applicable), accompanied by
identification of the prosecutor
1. Identification number of the worker – NIT (PIS / PASEP)
or Individual / Domestic / Optional / Rural Worker registration

2. Identity Document of the applicant (Identity Card and /
or Work Card and Social Security)

3. Applicant’s Individual Taxpayer’s Registry (CPF)

4. Birth or Marriage Certificate;

5. Death Certificate of the deceased spouse, if the
applicant is a widow (a)

6. Proof of income of family members

7. Curatela, when over 21 and incapable of practice of
acts of civil life

8. Guardianship, in the case of children under 21 years
of age deceased or missing

Application for Benefit Assistance – Law 8.742 / 93
Statement on Group Composition and Income Family
of the Elderly and the Person with the Disability
Power of attorney (if applicable), accompanied by
identification of the prosecutor

1. Identification number of the worker – NIT (PIS / PASEP) or Individual / Domestic / Optional / Rural Worker registration number

2. Identity Document of the applicant (Identity Card and / or Work Card and Social Security)

3. Applicant’s Individual Taxpayer’s Registry (CPF)

4. Birth or Marriage Certificate;

5. Death Certificate of the deceased spouse, if the
applicant is a widow (a)

6. Proof of income of family members

7. Curatela, when over 21 and incapable of practice of acts of civil life

8. Guardianship, in the case of children under 21 years of age deceased or missing

Application for Benefit Assistance – Law 8.742 / 93
Statement on Group Composition and Income Family of the Elderly and the Person with the Disability Power of attorney (if applicable), accompanied by identification of the prosecutor

What is the duration
of benefit?

What is the duration
of benefit?

The monthly income must be reviewed every two years. After this period of
time the conditions of the patient will be evaluated to see if he remains in
the same situation as when the benefit was granted. The payment of the
benefit ceases at the time of recovery of working capacity or in case of death
of the beneficiary. Dependents are not entitled to claim death benefit.
The monthly income must be reviewed every two years. After this period of
time the conditions of the patient will be evaluated to see if he remains in
the same situation as when the benefit was granted. The payment of the
benefit ceases at the time of recovery of working capacity or in case of death
of the beneficiary. Dependents are not entitled to claim death benefit.

The monthly income must be reviewed every two years. After this period of time the conditions of the patient will be evaluated to see if he remains in the same situation as when the benefit was granted. The payment of the benefit ceases at the time of recovery of working capacity or in case of death of the beneficiary. Dependents are not entitled to claim death benefit.

More orientations

More orientations

More orientations

By disability retirement

By disability retirement

By disability

Can the cancer patient apply for disability retirement? Disability retirement is granted to cancer patients as long as their incapacity for work is considered permanent by the INSS medical examination. The insured person who is not in the process of rehabilitation for the exercise of an activity that guarantees subsistence (regardless of whether or not he or she is receiving the sickness benefit) is entitled to benefit.

The cancer patient will be entitled to the benefit, regardless of the payment of 12 contributions, provided that he / she is in the capacity of insured, that is, that is enrolled in the General Social Security System (INSS).

When does the patient start receiving the benefit?
If the insured is receiving the sickness benefit, the invalidity pension will start to be paid from the day immediately following the sickness benefit.

When the patient is not receiving the sickness benefit, the benefit will begin to be paid from the 16th day of retirement. If more than 30 days elapse between the removal and the entry of the application, the beneficiary will be paid from the date of application.
For self-employed workers, the benefit will begin to be paid from the date of application.
Can the cancer patient apply for disability retirement? Disability retirement is granted to cancer patients as long as their incapacity for work is considered permanent by the INSS medical examination. The insured person who is not in the process of rehabilitation for the exercise of an activity that guarantees subsistence (regardless of whether or not he or she is receiving the sickness benefit) is entitled to benefit.

The cancer patient will be entitled to the benefit, regardless of the payment of 12 contributions, provided that he / she is in the capacity of insured, that is, that is enrolled in the General Social Security System (INSS).

When does the patient start receiving the benefit?
If the insured is receiving the sickness benefit, the invalidity pension will start to be paid from the day immediately following the sickness benefit.

When the patient is not receiving the sickness benefit, the benefit will begin to be paid from the 16th day of retirement. If more than 30 days elapse between the removal and the entry of the application, the beneficiary will be paid from the date of application.
For self-employed workers, the benefit will begin to be paid from the date of application.

Can the cancer patient apply for disability retirement? Disability retirement is granted to cancer patients as long as their incapacity for work is considered permanent by the INSS medical examination. The insured person who is not in the process of rehabilitation for the exercise of an activity that guarantees subsistence (regardless of whether or not he or she is receiving the sickness benefit) is entitled to benefit.

The cancer patient will be entitled to the benefit, regardless of the payment of 12 contributions, provided that he / she is in the capacity of insured, that is, that is enrolled in the General Social Security System (INSS).

When does the patient start receiving the benefit?
If the insured is receiving the sickness benefit, the invalidity pension will start to be paid from the day immediately following the sickness benefit.

When the patient is not receiving the sickness benefit, the benefit will begin to be paid from the 16th day of retirement. If more than 30 days elapse between the removal and the entry of the application, the beneficiary will be paid from the date of application.
For self-employed workers, the benefit will begin to be paid from the date of application.

Sickness aid

Sickness aid

Sickness aid

What is sickness aid?
Sickness benefit is the monthly benefit to which the insured is entitled, enrolled in the General Social Security System (INSS), when he is temporarily unable to work because of illness for more than 15 consecutive days.
Is the cancer patient entitled to sickness benefits?
Yes, as long as you are considered temporarily disabled for work. There is no need for the patient to receive the benefit, as long as he is insured from the INSS. The inability to work must be proven through an examination performed by the INSS medical expertise.
How do I get the benefit?
The cancer patient must attend the nearest Social Security Office to mark the medical examination. It is very important to take the Work Card or the documents that prove your contribution to the INSS. A statement or medical examination describing the insured’s medical condition must also be taken.
When does the patient start receiving the benefit?
The insured employee begins receiving the benefit from the 16th day of removal from the activity. The other insured persons receive from the date of the beginning of the disability or entry of the application

What is sickness aid?
Sickness benefit is the monthly benefit to which the insured is entitled, enrolled in the General Social Security System (INSS), when he is temporarily unable to work because of illness for more than 15 consecutive days.
Is the cancer patient entitled to sickness benefits?
Yes, as long as you are considered temporarily disabled for work. There is no need for the patient to receive the benefit, as long as he is insured from the INSS. The inability to work must be proven through an examination performed by the INSS medical expertise.
How do I get the benefit?
The cancer patient must attend the nearest Social Security Office to mark the medical examination. It is very important to take the Work Card or the documents that prove your contribution to the INSS. A statement or medical examination describing the insured’s medical condition must also be taken.
When does the patient start receiving the benefit?
The insured employee begins receiving the benefit from the 16th day of removal from the activity. The other insured persons receive from the date of the beginning of the disability or entry of the application

What is sickness aid?
Sickness benefit is the monthly benefit to which the insured is entitled, enrolled in the General Social Security System (INSS), when he is temporarily unable to work because of illness for more than 15 consecutive days.
Is the cancer patient entitled to sickness benefits?
Yes, as long as you are considered temporarily disabled for work. There is no need for the patient to receive the benefit, as long as he is insured from the INSS. The inability to work must be proven through an examination performed by the INSS medical expertise.
How do I get the benefit?
The cancer patient must attend the nearest Social Security Office to mark the medical examination. It is very important to take the Work Card or the documents that prove your contribution to the INSS. A statement or medical examination describing the insured’s medical condition must also be taken.
When does the patient start receiving the benefit?
The insured employee begins receiving the benefit from the 16th day of removal from the activity. The other insured persons receive from the date of the beginning of the disability or entry of the application

Income tax exemption
in retirement

Income tax exemption
in retirement

Income tax
exemption in retirement

Is the cancer patient entitled to income tax exemption at retirement?
Yes. Cancer patients are exempt from income tax relating to retirement, pension and pension income, including supplementation. (RIR / 1999, article 39, XXXIII, IN SRF nº 15, of 2001, article 5, XII)
Even the cumulatively received retirement or pension income is not taxed, and the cancer patient who received the income is exempt. (Law no. 7,713, of 1988, article 6, subsection XIV)
How do I get the benefit?
To request the exemption, the patient should look for the body that pays the retirement (INSS, City Hall, State, etc.) with an application. The disease will be proven by means of an expert report, which is issued by an official medical service of the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, and the period of validity of the expert’s report is established, in cases that are subject to control. (Law no. 9,250, of 1995, article 30, RIR / 1999, article 39, §§ 4 and 5, IN SRF nº 15, of 2001, article 5, §§ 1º and 2º)
What documents do I need to apply for the benefit?
1. Histopathological report (microscopic study of organic lesions);
2. Medical certificate that contains:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– ICD (International Code of Diseases);
– mention of Decree No. 3000 of 03/25/99;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– legible doctor’s stamp with the number of CRM (Regional Council of Medicine).

Is the cancer patient entitled to income tax exemption at retirement?
Yes. Cancer patients are exempt from income tax relating to retirement, pension and pension income, including supplementation. (RIR / 1999, article 39, XXXIII, IN SRF nº 15, of 2001, article 5, XII)
Even the cumulatively received retirement or pension income is not taxed, and the cancer patient who received the income is exempt. (Law no. 7,713, of 1988, article 6, subsection XIV)
How do I get the benefit?
To request the exemption, the patient should look for the body that pays the retirement (INSS, City Hall, State, etc.) with an application. The disease will be proven by means of an expert report, which is issued by an official medical service of the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, and the period of validity of the expert’s report is established, in cases that are subject to control. (Law no. 9,250, of 1995, article 30, RIR / 1999, article 39, §§ 4 and 5, IN SRF nº 15, of 2001, article 5, §§ 1º and 2º)
What documents do I need to apply for the benefit?
1. Histopathological report (microscopic study of organic lesions);
2. Medical certificate that contains:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– ICD (International Code of Diseases);
– mention of Decree No. 3000 of 03/25/99;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– legible doctor’s stamp with the number of CRM (Regional Council of Medicine).

Is the cancer patient entitled to income tax exemption at retirement?
Yes. Cancer patients are exempt from income tax relating to retirement, pension and pension income, including supplementation. (RIR / 1999, article 39, XXXIII, IN SRF nº 15, of 2001, article 5, XII)
Even the cumulatively received retirement or pension income is not taxed, and the cancer patient who received the income is exempt. (Law no. 7,713, of 1988, article 6, subsection XIV)
How do I get the benefit?
To request the exemption, the patient should look for the body that pays the retirement (INSS, City Hall, State, etc.) with an application. The disease will be proven by means of an expert report, which is issued by an official medical service of the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, and the period of validity of the expert’s report is established, in cases that are subject to control. (Law no. 9,250, of 1995, article 30, RIR / 1999, article 39, §§ 4 and 5, IN SRF nº 15, of 2001, article 5, §§ 1º and 2º)
What documents do I need to apply for the benefit?
1. Histopathological report (microscopic study of organic lesions);
2. Medical certificate that contains:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– ICD (International Code of Diseases);
– mention of Decree No. 3000 of 03/25/99;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– legible doctor’s stamp with the number of CRM (Regional Council of Medicine).

Exemption from ICMS on
purchase of adapted vehicles

Exemption from ICMS on
purchase of adapted vehicles

Exemption from
ICMS on purchase of adapted vehicles

What is ICMS?
The ICMS is the state tax on operations related to the Circulation of Goods and on Provision of Services. Each state has its own legislation that regulates the tax.
What documents do I need to request an ICMS exemption when purchasing an adapted vehicle?
The patient must attend the Tax Office of the area of his residence, submit the application in two copies and the following documents:
1. Declaration issued by the seller of the vehicle stating:
– the purchaser’s CIC or CPF number;
– that the benefit will be passed on to the patient;
– that the vehicle is intended for the exclusive use of the patient, unable to use common car model because of its deficiency.
2. Original of the report of medical expertise provided by the State
Department of Transit of the State of your residence, attesting and
– the incapacity of the patient to drive common vehicle;
– the ability to drive a vehicle with special characteristics;
– the type of disability, the necessary adaptation and the special feature of the vehicle;
3. Authenticated copy of the Driver’s License that specifies on the reverse the restrictions regarding the driver and the adaptation made in the vehicle.
To request the statement described above, the patient must deliver to the seller:
1. Authenticated copy of the report provided by DETRAN;
2. Document declaring, under the penalties of the law, the destination of the automobile for the exclusive use of the patient, due to the impossibility of driving common vehicles because of his disability.
When does the patient begin to be exempt from income tax?
Se após a solicitação e realização da perícia médica o pedido for aceito, a isenção de imposto de renda para os doentes aposentados é automática. Só têm direito ao pedido de isenção os pacientes aposentados.

What is ICMS?
The ICMS is the state tax on operations related to the Circulation of Goods and on Provision of Services. Each state has its own legislation that regulates the tax.
What documents do I need to request an ICMS exemption when purchasing an adapted vehicle?
The patient must attend the Tax Office of the area of his residence, submit the application in two copies and the following documents:
1. Declaration issued by the seller of the vehicle stating:
– the purchaser’s CIC or CPF number;
– that the benefit will be passed on to the patient;
– that the vehicle is intended for the exclusive use of the patient, unable to use common car model because of its deficiency.
2. Original of the report of medical expertise provided by the State
Department of Transit of the State of your residence, attesting and
– the incapacity of the patient to drive common vehicle;
– the ability to drive a vehicle with special characteristics;
– the type of disability, the necessary adaptation and the special feature of the vehicle;
3. Authenticated copy of the Driver’s License that specifies on the reverse the restrictions regarding the driver and the adaptation made in the vehicle.
To request the statement described above, the patient must deliver to the seller:
1. Authenticated copy of the report provided by DETRAN;
2. Document declaring, under the penalties of the law, the destination of the automobile for the exclusive use of the patient, due to the impossibility of driving common vehicles because of his disability.
When does the patient begin to be exempt from income tax?
Se após a solicitação e realização da perícia médica o pedido for aceito, a isenção de imposto de renda para os doentes aposentados é automática. Só têm direito ao pedido de isenção os pacientes aposentados.

What is ICMS?
The ICMS is the state tax on operations related to the Circulation of Goods and on Provision of Services. Each state has its own legislation that regulates the tax.
What documents do I need to request an ICMS exemption when purchasing an adapted vehicle?
The patient must attend the Tax Office of the area of his residence, submit the application in two copies and the following documents:
1. Declaration issued by the seller of the vehicle stating:
– the purchaser’s CIC or CPF number;
– that the benefit will be passed on to the patient;
– that the vehicle is intended for the exclusive use of the patient, unable to use common car model because of its deficiency.
2. Original of the report of medical expertise provided by the State
Department of Transit of the State of your residence, attesting and
– the incapacity of the patient to drive common vehicle;
– the ability to drive a vehicle with special characteristics;
– the type of disability, the necessary adaptation and the special feature of the vehicle;
3. Authenticated copy of the Driver’s License that specifies on the reverse the restrictions regarding the driver and the adaptation made in the vehicle.
To request the statement described above, the patient must deliver to the seller:
1. Authenticated copy of the report provided by DETRAN;
2. Document declaring, under the penalties of the law, the destination of the automobile for the exclusive use of the patient, due to the impossibility of driving common vehicles because of his disability.
When does the patient begin to be exempt from income tax?
Se após a solicitação e realização da perícia médica o pedido for aceito, a isenção de imposto de renda para os doentes aposentados é automática. Só têm direito ao pedido de isenção os pacientes aposentados.

IPI exemption on purchase
of adapted vehicles

IPI exemption on purchase
of adapted vehicles

IPI exemption on purchase of adapted vehicles

When does the cancer patient have the right to request exemption from IPI in the purchase of vehicles?
The IPI is the federal tax on industrialized products. The cancer patient is exempt from this tax only when he has a physical disability in the upper or lower limbs, which prevents him from driving ordinary vehicles. It is necessary that the applicant present the examinations and the medical report that describe and prove the deficiency.
Which vehicles can be purchased with IPI exemption?
Passenger cars or mixed-use vehicles of domestic manufacture, fueled by renewable fuel. The vehicle must have special characteristics, original or resulting from adaptation, that allow its proper use by disabled people.
Among these characteristics, the automatic or hydramatic exchange (driven by hydraulic system) and the hydraulic steering.
The adaptation of the vehicle can be carried out by the car manufacturer or by a specialist garage. The IPI will normally focus on any optional accessories that are not original equipment of the vehicle purchased.
The benefit may only be used once, unless the vehicle has been purchased for more than three years, in which case the benefit may be used a second time.
How do I get the exemption?
Law No. 10,182, dated 02/12/2001, restores Law No. 8,989 of February 24, 1995, which provides for exemption from IPI in the acquisition of automobiles for the autonomous transport of passengers and the use of deficiency. According to this law, to request the exemption the patient must:
1. Obtain, from the Department of Transit (DETRAN) of your state, the following documents:
– medical expert’s report with: the type of physical disability attested and the total incapacity to drive common vehicles; type of vehicle with the necessary special characteristics; ability to drive, according to resolution of the National Traffic Council (CONTRAN);
– national driver’s license with: a specification of the type of vehicle and its special characteristics; suitability for driving, according to the medical expert’s report and according to CONTRAN’s resolution;
2. Submit a three-way application in the unit of the Internal Revenue Service of your jurisdiction. The application must be addressed to the competent tax authority referred to in art. 6, to which certified copies of the documents cited above will be attached. The Delegate of the Internal Revenue Service or Inspector of the Federal Revenue of “A” Class Inspection, with jurisdiction over the place where the patient resides, are the authorities responsible for recognizing the exemption.
The first two routes will remain with the patient and the other route will be attached to the process. The patient’s routes should be delivered to the authorized distributor as follows:
a) the first copy, with a copy of the medical expert’s report, will be sent by the authorized distributor to the manufacturer or to the establishment;
b) the second route shall remain in the hands of the distributor.
It is important that in the sales note of the vehicle, the seller makes the following observation:
I – “Exempt from the tax on industrialized products – Law No. 8,989 of 1995”, in the case of item I of art. 9th; or
II – “Exit with suspension of the tax on industrialized products – Law No. 8.989, of 1995”, in the case of item II of article 9.

When does the cancer patient have the right to request exemption from IPI in the purchase of vehicles?
The IPI is the federal tax on industrialized products. The cancer patient is exempt from this tax only when he has a physical disability in the upper or lower limbs, which prevents him from driving ordinary vehicles. It is necessary that the applicant present the examinations and the medical report that describe and prove the deficiency.
Which vehicles can be purchased with IPI exemption?
Passenger cars or mixed-use vehicles of domestic manufacture, fueled by renewable fuel. The vehicle must have special characteristics, original or resulting from adaptation, that allow its proper use by disabled people.
Among these characteristics, the automatic or hydramatic exchange (driven by hydraulic system) and the hydraulic steering.
The adaptation of the vehicle can be carried out by the car manufacturer or by a specialist garage. The IPI will normally focus on any optional accessories that are not original equipment of the vehicle purchased.
The benefit may only be used once, unless the vehicle has been purchased for more than three years, in which case the benefit may be used a second time.
How do I get the exemption?
Law No. 10,182, dated 02/12/2001, restores Law No. 8,989 of February 24, 1995, which provides for exemption from IPI in the acquisition of automobiles for the autonomous transport of passengers and the use of deficiency. According to this law, to request the exemption the patient must:
1. Obtain, from the Department of Transit (DETRAN) of your state, the following documents:
– medical expert’s report with: the type of physical disability attested and the total incapacity to drive common vehicles; type of vehicle with the necessary special characteristics; ability to drive, according to resolution of the National Traffic Council (CONTRAN);
– national driver’s license with: a specification of the type of vehicle and its special characteristics; suitability for driving, according to the medical expert’s report and according to CONTRAN’s resolution;
2. Submit a three-way application in the unit of the Internal Revenue Service of your jurisdiction. The application must be addressed to the competent tax authority referred to in art. 6, to which certified copies of the documents cited above will be attached. The Delegate of the Internal Revenue Service or Inspector of the Federal Revenue of “A” Class Inspection, with jurisdiction over the place where the patient resides, are the authorities responsible for recognizing the exemption.
The first two routes will remain with the patient and the other route will be attached to the process. The patient’s routes should be delivered to the authorized distributor as follows:
a) the first copy, with a copy of the medical expert’s report, will be sent by the authorized distributor to the manufacturer or to the establishment;
b) the second route shall remain in the hands of the distributor.
It is important that in the sales note of the vehicle, the seller makes the following observation:
I – “Exempt from the tax on industrialized products – Law No. 8,989 of 1995”, in the case of item I of art. 9th; or
II – “Exit with suspension of the tax on industrialized products – Law No. 8.989, of 1995”, in the case of item II of article 9.

When does the cancer patient have the right to request exemption from IPI in the purchase of vehicles?
The IPI is the federal tax on industrialized products. The cancer patient is exempt from this tax only when he has a physical disability in the upper or lower limbs, which prevents him from driving ordinary vehicles. It is necessary that the applicant present the examinations and the medical report that describe and prove the deficiency.
Which vehicles can be purchased with IPI exemption?
Passenger cars or mixed-use vehicles of domestic manufacture, fueled by renewable fuel. The vehicle must have special characteristics, original or resulting from adaptation, that allow its proper use by disabled people.
Among these characteristics, the automatic or hydramatic exchange (driven by hydraulic system) and the hydraulic steering.
The adaptation of the vehicle can be carried out by the car manufacturer or by a specialist garage. The IPI will normally focus on any optional accessories that are not original equipment of the vehicle purchased.
The benefit may only be used once, unless the vehicle has been purchased for more than three years, in which case the benefit may be used a second time.
How do I get the exemption?
Law No. 10,182, dated 02/12/2001, restores Law No. 8,989 of February 24, 1995, which provides for exemption from IPI in the acquisition of automobiles for the autonomous transport of passengers and the use of deficiency. According to this law, to request the exemption the patient must:
1. Obtain, from the Department of Transit (DETRAN) of your state, the following documents:
– medical expert’s report with: the type of physical disability attested and the total incapacity to drive common vehicles; type of vehicle with the necessary special characteristics; ability to drive, according to resolution of the National Traffic Council (CONTRAN);
– national driver’s license with: a specification of the type of vehicle and its special characteristics; suitability for driving, according to the medical expert’s report and according to CONTRAN’s resolution;
2. Submit a three-way application in the unit of the Internal Revenue Service of your jurisdiction. The application must be addressed to the competent tax authority referred to in art. 6, to which certified copies of the documents cited above will be attached. The Delegate of the Internal Revenue Service or Inspector of the Federal Revenue of “A” Class Inspection, with jurisdiction over the place where the patient resides, are the authorities responsible for recognizing the exemption.
The first two routes will remain with the patient and the other route will be attached to the process. The patient’s routes should be delivered to the authorized distributor as follows:
a) the first copy, with a copy of the medical expert’s report, will be sent by the authorized distributor to the manufacturer or to the establishment;
b) the second route shall remain in the hands of the distributor.
It is important that in the sales note of the vehicle, the seller makes the following observation:
I – “Exempt from the tax on industrialized products – Law No. 8,989 of 1995”, in the case of item I of art. 9th; or
II – “Exit with suspension of the tax on industrialized products – Law No. 8.989, of 1995”, in the case of item II of article 9.

IPVA exemption for
adapted vehicles

IPVA exemption for
adapted vehicles

IPVA exemption for adapted vehicles

What is IPVA?
It is the state tax relating to the ownership of motor vehicles. Each state has its own tax legislation. Check in the law of your State whether there are regulations to exempt from tax the vehicles specially adapted and acquired by disabled people.
If the patient has already purchased a previous vehicle with exemption, what should he do to transfer it to the new vehicle?
The patient must have a copy of the exemption form of the old vehicle. For the new car, it must provide a copy of invoice of purchase and application of the National Registry of Motor Vehicles (RENAVAM) with the vehicle license plate label.

What is IPVA?
It is the state tax relating to the ownership of motor vehicles. Each state has its own tax legislation. Check in the law of your State whether there are regulations to exempt from tax the vehicles specially adapted and acquired by disabled people.
If the patient has already purchased a previous vehicle with exemption, what should he do to transfer it to the new vehicle?
The patient must have a copy of the exemption form of the old vehicle. For the new car, it must provide a copy of invoice of purchase and application of the National Registry of Motor Vehicles (RENAVAM) with the vehicle license plate label.

What is IPVA?
It is the state tax relating to the ownership of motor vehicles. Each state has its own tax legislation. Check in the law of your State whether there are regulations to exempt from tax the vehicles specially adapted and acquired by disabled people.
If the patient has already purchased a previous vehicle with exemption, what should he do to transfer it to the new vehicle?
The patient must have a copy of the exemption form of the old vehicle. For the new car, it must provide a copy of invoice of purchase and application of the National Registry of Motor Vehicles (RENAVAM) with the vehicle license plate label.

Discharge of financing
from the house itself

Discharge of financing
from the house itself

Discharge of
financing from
the house itself

When can the cancer patient request the discharge of the funding?
The patient with total and permanent disability, caused by accident or illness, has the right to discharge. For this must be unfit for work, and the disease determining the disability must have been acquired after the signing of the contract of purchase of the property.
What value can be removed?
When paying the installments of the property financed by the Housing Finance System (SFH), the owner also pays insurance that guarantees the discharge of the property in case of disability or death. In case of invalidity, the insurance takes the amount corresponding to what the patient gave for the financing. The financial entity that has made the financing of the property must send the necessary documents to the responsible insurer.

When can the cancer patient request the discharge of the funding?
The patient with total and permanent disability, caused by accident or illness, has the right to discharge. For this must be unfit for work, and the disease determining the disability must have been acquired after the signing of the contract of purchase of the property.
What value can be removed?
When paying the installments of the property financed by the Housing Finance System (SFH), the owner also pays insurance that guarantees the discharge of the property in case of disability or death. In case of invalidity, the insurance takes the amount corresponding to what the patient gave for the financing. The financial entity that has made the financing of the property must send the necessary documents to the responsible insurer.

When can the cancer patient request the discharge of the funding?
The patient with total and permanent disability, caused by accident or illness, has the right to discharge. For this must be unfit for work, and the disease determining the disability must have been acquired after the signing of the contract of purchase of the property.
What value can be removed?
When paying the installments of the property financed by the Housing Finance System (SFH), the owner also pays insurance that guarantees the discharge of the property in case of disability or death. In case of invalidity, the insurance takes the amount corresponding to what the patient gave for the financing. The financial entity that has made the financing of the property must send the necessary documents to the responsible insurer.

FGTS withdrawal

FGTS withdrawal

FGTS withdrawal

Can the worker with cancer serve the FGTS?
Yes. FGTS can be withdrawn by a worker who has malignant neoplasm (cancer) or by a person who has a cancer dependent person.
What documents are needed for the FGTS service?
1. Identification document;
2. Work permit
3. Proof of enrollment in PIS / PASEP;
4. Original and copy of the Histopathological Report (microscopic study of organic lesions) or Anatomopathological (study of the changes in the organism by pathology), as the case may be;
5. Medical certificate that contains:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– ICD (International Code of Diseases);
– mention of Law 8922 of 07/25/94;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– CRM and doctor’s signature, stamped.
6. Proof of dependency, if applicable.
*The validity of the medical certificate is 30 days.
What is the amount to be received when the FGTS is withdrawn?
The amount received will be the balance of all accounts belonging to the employee, including the account of the current employment contract. In the case of cancer-related disability due to the symptoms of the disease, the account can be withdrawn as long as there is a balance, provided the necessary documents are presented.

Can the worker with cancer serve the FGTS?
Yes. FGTS can be withdrawn by a worker who has malignant neoplasm (cancer) or by a person who has a cancer dependent person.
What documents are needed for the FGTS service?
1. Identification document;
2. Work permit
3. Proof of enrollment in PIS / PASEP;
4. Original and copy of the Histopathological Report (microscopic study of organic lesions) or Anatomopathological (study of the changes in the organism by pathology), as the case may be;
5. Medical certificate that contains:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– ICD (International Code of Diseases);
– mention of Law 8922 of 07/25/94;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– CRM and doctor’s signature, stamped.
6. Proof of dependency, if applicable.
*The validity of the medical certificate is 30 days.
What is the amount to be received when the FGTS is withdrawn?
The amount received will be the balance of all accounts belonging to the employee, including the account of the current employment contract. In the case of cancer-related disability due to the symptoms of the disease, the account can be withdrawn as long as there is a balance, provided the necessary documents are presented.

Can the worker with cancer serve the FGTS?
Yes. FGTS can be withdrawn by a worker who has malignant neoplasm (cancer) or by a person who has a cancer dependent person.
What documents are needed for the FGTS service?
1. Identification document;
2. Work permit
3. Proof of enrollment in PIS / PASEP;
4. Original and copy of the Histopathological Report (microscopic study of organic lesions) or Anatomopathological (study of the changes in the organism by pathology), as the case may be;
5. Medical certificate that contains:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– ICD (International Code of Diseases);
– mention of Law 8922 of 07/25/94;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– CRM and doctor’s signature, stamped.
6. Proof of dependency, if applicable.
*The validity of the medical certificate is 30 days.
What is the amount to be received when the FGTS is withdrawn?
The amount received will be the balance of all accounts belonging to the employee, including the account of the current employment contract. In the case of cancer-related disability due to the symptoms of the disease, the account can be withdrawn as long as there is a balance, provided the necessary documents are presented.

PIS withdrawal

PIS withdrawal

PIS withdrawal

Can the cancer worker take out the PIS?
Yes. The PIS can be withdrawn at the Federal Savings Bank by a registered worker who has malignant neoplasm (cancer) or the worker who has a cancer-dependent dependent.
What documents are needed for the PIS drawdown?
1. Proof of enrollment in PIS / PASEP;
2. Work permit;
3. Identification document;
4. Medical certificate provided by the doctor accompanying the patient’s treatment (with signature of the first, notarized), with the following information:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– ICD (International Classification of Diseases);
– mention of Resolution 01/96, dated 10/15/1996, of the Board of Directors of the PIS-PASEP Participation Fund;
– stamp identifying the physician’s name / CRM;
– a copy of the histopathological or anatomopathological exam that proves the diagnosis;
– confirmation of the patient’s dependency condition, when applicable.
What is the value of the patient to receive?
The worker will receive the total balance of quotas and income.

Can the cancer worker take out the PIS?
Yes. The PIS can be withdrawn at the Federal Savings Bank by a registered worker who has malignant neoplasm (cancer) or the worker who has a cancer-dependent dependent.
What documents are needed for the PIS drawdown?
1. Proof of enrollment in PIS / PASEP;
2. Work permit;
3. Identification document;
4. Medical certificate provided by the doctor accompanying the patient’s treatment (with signature of the first, notarized), with the following information:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– ICD (International Classification of Diseases);
– mention of Resolution 01/96, dated 10/15/1996, of the Board of Directors of the PIS-PASEP Participation Fund;
– stamp identifying the physician’s name / CRM;
– a copy of the histopathological or anatomopathological exam that proves the diagnosis;
– confirmation of the patient’s dependency condition, when applicable.
What is the value of the patient to receive?
The worker will receive the total balance of quotas and income.

Can the cancer worker take out the PIS?
Yes. The PIS can be withdrawn at the Federal Savings Bank by a registered worker who has malignant neoplasm (cancer) or the worker who has a cancer-dependent dependent.
What documents are needed for the PIS drawdown?
1. Proof of enrollment in PIS / PASEP;
2. Work permit;
3. Identification document;
4. Medical certificate provided by the doctor accompanying the patient’s treatment (with signature of the first, notarized), with the following information:
– express diagnosis of the disease;
– current clinical stage of disease and patient;
– ICD (International Classification of Diseases);
– mention of Resolution 01/96, dated 10/15/1996, of the Board of Directors of the PIS-PASEP Participation Fund;
– stamp identifying the physician’s name / CRM;
– a copy of the histopathological or anatomopathological exam that proves the diagnosis;
– confirmation of the patient’s dependency condition, when applicable.
What is the value of the patient to receive?
The worker will receive the total balance of quotas and income.

Free pass

Free pass

Free pass

Exemption urban collective transportation fare:
a) Who has the right: persons with severe and long-term disabilities, defined by Federal Decree 5.296, dated 12/02/2004.
b) Document required: Dispute Award (COMPPID):
c) Where to apply:
Municipal Council for the Promotion and Integration of People with
Disabilities – COMPPID
Rua D. João VI, 115, Jardim Mosteiro.
Phone: (16) 3931-3600.
They are entitled to the free pass:
People with:
– Physical disability – Full or partial alteration of one or more segments of the human body, causing the impairment of physical function.
– Hearing impairment – Total loss of auditory possibilities, or partial, above 56 decibels.
– Visual impairment – Visual acuity or less than 20/200 in the best eye, after the best correction, or visual field less than 20 ° (Table Snelhen).
– Mental deficiency – Intellectual capacity significantly below average.
Ostomized persons, chronic kidney patients, transplanted patients, leprosy patients and HIV-positive patients.
To enter the Free Pass, bring:
Xerox of Identity document, CPF, Birth Certificate (children), recent photo 3×4 and medical certificate provided by municipal, state, federal or network accredited to SUS.
To be accepted, the certificate must:
– be original, or authenticated copy;
– have the doctor’s stamp and signature;
– be legible and have the ICD updated;
– declare, where necessary, continued treatment.

Exemption urban collective transportation fare:
a) Who has the right: persons with severe and long-term disabilities, defined by Federal Decree 5.296, dated 12/02/2004.
b) Document required: Dispute Award (COMPPID):
c) Where to apply:
Municipal Council for the Promotion and Integration of People with
Disabilities – COMPPID
Rua D. João VI, 115, Jardim Mosteiro.
Phone: (16) 3931-3600.
They are entitled to the free pass:
People with:
– Physical disability – Full or partial alteration of one or more segments of the human body, causing the impairment of physical function.
– Hearing impairment – Total loss of auditory possibilities, or partial, above 56 decibels.
– Visual impairment – Visual acuity or less than 20/200 in the best eye, after the best correction, or visual field less than 20 ° (Table Snelhen).
– Mental deficiency – Intellectual capacity significantly below average.
Ostomized persons, chronic kidney patients, transplanted patients, leprosy patients and HIV-positive patients.
To enter the Free Pass, bring:
Xerox of Identity document, CPF, Birth Certificate (children), recent photo 3×4 and medical certificate provided by municipal, state, federal or network accredited to SUS.
To be accepted, the certificate must:
– be original, or authenticated copy;
– have the doctor’s stamp and signature;
– be legible and have the ICD updated;
– declare, where necessary, continued treatment.

Exemption urban collective transportation fare:
a) Who has the right: persons with severe and long-term disabilities, defined by Federal Decree 5.296, dated 12/02/2004.
b) Document required: Dispute Award (COMPPID):
c) Where to apply:
Municipal Council for the Promotion and Integration of People with
Disabilities – COMPPID
Rua D. João VI, 115, Jardim Mosteiro.
Phone: (16) 3931-3600.
They are entitled to the free pass:
People with:
– Physical disability – Full or partial alteration of one or more segments of the human body, causing the impairment of physical function.
– Hearing impairment – Total loss of auditory possibilities, or partial, above 56 decibels.
– Visual impairment – Visual acuity or less than 20/200 in the best eye, after the best correction, or visual field less than 20 ° (Table Snelhen).
– Mental deficiency – Intellectual capacity significantly below average.
Ostomized persons, chronic kidney patients, transplanted patients, leprosy patients and HIV-positive patients.
To enter the Free Pass, bring:
Xerox of Identity document, CPF, Birth Certificate (children), recent photo 3×4 and medical certificate provided by municipal, state, federal or network accredited to SUS.
To be accepted, the certificate must:
– be original, or authenticated copy;
– have the doctor’s stamp and signature;
– be legible and have the ICD updated;
– declare, where necessary, continued treatment.

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